Friday, September 16, 2005

The Moron Singularity theory by Hwa Ho with Idiot Horizon corollary by Edward Suguitan @ the Cheap Thought Institute®.

It has been noted by many a philosopher that the universe is compsed of billions and billions of idiots and morons. As a result humanity has endeavored to understand the mayhem created by these peculiar yet all to familiar entities. In a groundbreaking study conducted by the Cheap Thought Institute® "We think like the big guys, but at a fraction of the price"(tm) we have managed to distill the essence of this mayhem and chaos into a theory with profound implications for the universal understanding of stupidity.

What is a Moron Singularity?

A Moron Singularity is defined as that singular moron that causes all the problems. This can be that person who orders something not on the billboard at McFastfood or the cashier at McFastfood unable to count past 5. The Moron Singularity is not biased in terms of race, or gender. The Moron Singularity is a naturally occuring element usually found on the streets, freeways and almost always found at the local suburban mall.

What is the Idiot Horizon?

The Idiot Horizon is defined as the event horizon where all the troubles start. This corollary was identified by Dr. Edward Suguitan (honorary) of the Cheap Thought Institute while observing the Moron Singularity phenomenon. The Idiot Horizon, to use the aforementioned example of the McFastfood, is the front of the queue or the plane of the counter where counter ends and the queue begins to form. Dr. Suguitan prefers the front of the queue to be identified as the Idiot Horizon, therefore we shall adhere to his strict definition. Although the more liberal think tanks will use either the plane of where the Moron Singularity intrudes upon our universe or the front of the queue interchangably.

Thank you for your interest in the products of the Cheap Thought Institute.


Blogger deersnake said...

Dude - where's the update? I know you're not busy with the remnants of "Smells like Judo". I successfully ran that project aground for you.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Andrea "The H family" said...

So, let me get this straight? I thought you didn't blog?!!
I'm confused. HELP ME--HELP YOU?
BLOG!! Your future wife would love it!

8:12 PM  

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